If you can't feed a hundred people, then just feed one - Mother Teresa

What is Replate?

Replating is filling the plate with leftover food or unused food and redistribute it to local hungry populations via food pantries, soup kitchens, shelters, and afterschool programs. Replate collects information about volunteers and donors or business, forms a niche in which it can do the purpose of redistributing food in an efficient way to needy people. Replate reduces wastage of food and makes a happy and green planet.

Volunteer Testimonial

Dave, IT professional

"It's now almost a year since I started working with the team, I can proudly say my life has never been better! Serving hot and healthy breakfast to these less fortunate school children may seem like an act of giving, but in reality I have received much more from them. The satisfaction I have derived from their love and laughter is simply unparalleled."

Donor Testimonial

Angela, former teacher

"When you give to others, you get way more back than you ever imagined."

“I feel like I’m making a difference out there to benefit someone who really needs it.”

"It brings joy to my heart, when basic necessity like food is provided."

Receiver Testimonial

Claudia, Mom

"Thank you very much. I really appreciate your efforts on making life easier.

"Thank you for all your care and support through hard time."

"When you bless others, it always comes back to you. I just can’t tell you how much this means to me and our family."